Over 55 Years of Support for Our Library
Since 1968, we’ve been loyal Friends to the library. Hundreds of Friends have worked to help the library in many ways over the years. We’re really good at raising funds, which the library uses to develop programs and purchase materials. Plus, we promote the library in our community and when necessary, we make calls, send emails, and write letters to lawmakers to advocate for the library.
Right now, we’re very short handed, and we need your help!
About the Friends
The Friends of Tredyffrin Public Library is an independent organization whose purpose is to focus public attention on Tredyffrin Public Library, to stimulate use of the Library’s resources and services, to support Library policy in developing Library services and facilities, to enhance the Library’s effectiveness, and to contribute funds toward Library services under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Friends are tax-deductible.
Officers and Directors
Kate Currigan
Denise Sjoreen
Vice President
Jim Sjoreen
Anastasia Currigan
Stephanie Crill
Fran Pettit
Pat Wingerter
Vincent DiBella
Edwina Patruno

Visit the Red Fox Book Shop
The Red Fox Book Shop, operated by The Friends of the Tredyffrin Public Library, opened for business in June 2009. Over 5,000 high quality gently-used books donated by generous local citizens are available during all Library hours. Children’s books along with histories, biographies, cookbooks, and glorious fiction are among the customers’ favorites.
Your donations keep the shop in business! Find out how to donate books and materials to the Red Fox Book Shop.