
We are unable to accept new volunteers at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your interest in your libraries.

Volunteers are an invaluable asset to the library.
We couldn’t do it without them!

Tredyffrin Public Library and Paoli Library both rely on volunteers to accomplish many tasks in the libraries. Call the libraries and match your talents and skills with our needs.

Please be advised that Tredyffrin Township Libraries requires clearances for volunteers over the age of 18.

Volunteer FAQ Clearances

Employees must obtain the following three clearances:

Tredyffrin Public Library: Contact Tara Thorne at tthorne@ccls.org or 610.688.7092 x201.
Red Fox Bookshop: Fill out a volunteer application.
Paoli Library: Contact Beverly Michaels at bmichaels@ccls.org or 610.296.7996

Thank you Volunteers!

Tredyffrin Public Library would like to thank our wonderful volunteers who contribute nearly 400 hours a month maintaining the library’s quality service to the community. Over 50 active volunteers perform numerous tasks, such as shelving books, running the Red Fox Book Shop, helping with communications, assisting with the Children’s Summer Reading Club, working with the Circulation Department, and much, much more!

Paoli Library

Thank you, volunteers of Paoli Library for your time and energy to our community.

Because of caring people like you, the library is able to provide outstanding programs and services to our community.